Viral Email Marketing — The Secret to Word-of-Mouth Advertising Online
Would you like to learn how to make your marketing message take on a life of its own and spread like wildfire… for free?
In this issue, as you may have guessed from the title, we will be discussing viral marketing. This is a unique breakthrough component that can be added to just about any online campaign to get it to spread far beyond the limits of traditional marketing messages.
How to Turn Junk Mail Into Gold
Ready for a few profit-making ideas?
Great! Before we jump in, just let me quickly welcome to the first issue of the Digital Harvester presented by Digital Harvest Media with contributions from Hype Communications. I’m glad you’re here! Okay…
Today’s topic: “How To Turn Junk Mail Into Gold”
Everyday, millions of emails shoot accross the Internet promoting everything from Software to Seminars.
How to Develop an Email Marketing Plan
Believe it or not, it can be easy to write a good email marketing plan. It shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to write a strong email marketing plan that will help guide your efforts and get clear on the results you want.
Planning is not in my nature. I used to view it as something that got in the way of action.
How to Pick a Winning Email List
Your email campaign will fly or die based largely on the audience you select. In most email campaign endeavors the search for the right list is where the quest for results begins. To find the perfect list you will need to do some research. You can start with the information in the Resources section of this book.
Here’s the bad news – there are no “perfect lists.”
How to Track Your Email Marketing Results
One of the greatest attributes of web advertising is its ability to be tracked. Without tracking its difficult to tell how many visitors are responding to your newsletter advertisements unless they order from you and tell you where they saw you.
Wouldn’t you like to know how many people clicked on your offer even if they don’t order?
This information is important.
Tips and Techniques for Publishing Email Surveys
Why send out a survey? You could learn about your current customers. Or you might find out what’s most important to your potential customers. One sentence here about why you should survey, something to the effect of: They offer a way to keep in touch with your audience or collect information, even when you’re not pitching a sale.
Offer a Reward
Follow the copy writing tools and always make an incentive for your audience to complete the survey.
Email Ethics : The Basics of Permission Marketing
Our spam-ridden online world has spurred a lot of talk about permission-based email lists or opt-in email lists. What does the term “ permission-based ” really mean? How can you build a permission-based email list? How do you use email to communicate with your subscribers respectfully?
What is a Permission-Based Email List?
The answer to this question might sound obvious. You might even be able to guess what it means.
You Might Be a Spammer If…
It’s funny to me how so many spammers are in denial and don’t actually think of themselves as spammers. So I thought I’d put together a little list of activities to help determine if you are a spammer.
Before I start, I will say there are shades of grey in the world of email marketing. Sometimes, what is spam to one person might be seen as convenient and appropriate by another.
What Happens to Spammers? [ A Look Inside Spam Penalties ]
Here’s a question I wondered about for a long time. Many of us have become familiar with the oodles of spam that makes its way to our inbox on a daily basis. The inconvenience of deleting each and every irrelevant and sometimes crude offer is a major annoyance. It’s enough to make you wonder…
“Do spammers ever get punished?”
I’m happy to report that they do.
Text or HTML : How to Pick the Best Email Format for You
When you send out an email, you are delivering it to people with a number of different computer systems, networks and email browser configurations. You want to ensure that your email piece is selected so it can be viewed properly by your target. This is why formatting your message properly is so important.
Your recipients might see your email message differently on their computers than you do.