When you are looking to reach a lot of people at one time an email marketing campaign can help you achieve your goals. There are different ways to go about an email marketing campaign. You can buy a list of recipients from an email list company or you can choose to rent a list from one of the many email list companies.
Do Your Homework
The first thing that you need to do when contemplating whether to rent an email list is to do your homework. Make sure that you do not choose the first email list company that comes up when you do a web search for one. There are things to consider about the company before you move forward.
Ask if the company can help you put together your marketing campaign. See if they have copywriters and marketing designers that are capable of sending out your email in different formats. You will also want to know if they can help you target your email marketing campaign by sorting the list by the demographic that you want to reach, geographic area, recipient income level, or occupation. Companies that operate above board should be able to do this for you. In your marketing campaign you should also offer that opportunity for the recipient to follow you on Facebook, that way if they do not want to use your business right away you can remain in touch with them if they choose that option.
The company that you select should also be well versed in proper opt out formats, be able to configure your email marketing campaign so when its delivered it is not automatically directed to the recipients trash box by a spam filter. You should ask them about their success rate with similar marketing campaigns and their pervious click through rates. This will give you an idea of how successful they have been with like campaigns and do not to afraid to ask for references; after all, it is your money and business that is on the line. In addition, make sure that the company that you choose is compliant with the CAN-SPAM ACT of 2003.
Why Rental?
It is called a rental because the email list company retains physical custody of the list and does the sending of the email marketing campaign for you. The company should be able to give you a detailed report of the success of the delivery within three days of the initial mailing and an update in another week to ten days. The usual cost for renting an email list is broken down per thousand and can range from $80 to $150 per thousand emails.
Opting to use a rental email list can be a cost effective way of making your business known to many people that you otherwise might not have reached. However, you must make sure that you select a company that takes your marketing campaign as seriously as you do. By doing so you will find that your business is certain to receive an influx of new business and will generate new revenue streams that will ensure the profitability of your business.